About Me/Contact

Hello, welcome to my site! My name is Giant_Bug! I created this website because I wanted to learn some HTML, and I wanted more control over how my work is posted. Learning to code is difficult, but the freedom it gives you feels great. If you're interested in following my work, check out the links below!
- Youtube
On my Insta, you'll find fanart for whatever I'm interested in at the time, original art, and animations I've made!
I use my youtube to keep track of my playlists, and also as another place to post my animations. I update it less frequently than my Insta though.

- science fiction/fantasy/horror
- Nine Inch Nails/Depeche Mode/Butthole Surfers
- running/hiking/drawing/reading
- nature!
white bread/celery/oranges-
staying inside all day!-

My Bucket List
- Visit all 4 of the deserts in the U.S.- the Great Basin, the Mojave, the Sonoran, and the Chihuahuan
- Make a 10 minute long animated short film
- Go to another country
- Write a novel
- Learn another language
- Go sailing in the ocean
- Go fishing in Alaska
- Make a perfect sandwich
- See the Aurora Borealis